Oxford University Light Entertainment Society

Auditions Sunday 13th October

7pm, Corpus Christi College Auditorium – Check News for more details

OULES Presents: Will The Real Chosen One Please Stand Up?

Week 8, Trinity 2024 – Check News for more details

Welcome to OULEs - Oxford's least serious drama society

OULES is a non-profit amateur dramatics society that produces comedy musicals, all written by our members, to raise money for charity. We put on a play three times each year, at the end of each Oxford University term. OULES is a uniquely inclusive society in the Oxford drama scene and ideal for freshers.

A Part for everyone

OULES is the only Oxford theatre group that demands NO audition preparation and gives a part to EVERYONE who auditions! We also focus on encouraging first-time actors, writers, and crew. It is and always has been an inclusive and welcoming place for all – especially for newcomers and people without previous theatrical experience.

Auditions sunday week 1

Auditions are Sunday of 1st week (the Sunday before term starts) and rehearsals are always 7:30-10pm every Wednesday and Sunday. We look forward to seeing you there!

For more detailed information about any potential upcoming auditions, be sure to check out the News tab.

Life in OULES

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